The lieutenant governor (LG) VK Saxena on Friday approved the appointment of Azimul Haque as the chief executive officer (CEO) of the Delhi Waqf Board. The LG also slammed the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government delaying the appointment of the waqf board CEO, which led to the board being defunct and the staff not being paid, officials of the LG’s office said.
“The post of CEO is lying vacant since November, 2024. However, the government has sent the proposal to give additional charge of CEO after a lapse of one month. Due to this callousness on part of government, the day-to-day function of the board like releasing of salaries of Imams and other functionaries have been held up... Further, it is advised that in future the proposal should be sent for my consideration strictly as per provisions of the law,” the LG noted while approving the appointment.
The LG further said that the latest proposal for the CEO appointment was sent on January 31, in a casual manner, without following legal provisions. Haque is a member (administration) of the Delhi Jal Board (DJB).
Officials said that as per the Delhi Waqf Act, 1995, the CEO is appointed as per Section 23, which, among others, provides that a panel of two names be suggested by the board to the state government for appointment as the CEO.
“However, the NCCSA has not placed on record the panel of names duly recommended by the board, but submitted the name of a single officer, for my consideration, for assigning of the additional charge,” the LG mentioned.
The AAP did not respond to HT’s request for a comment on the matter.